Tuesday, June 30, 2009


TSTM 544 during the summer is an extremely fast paced course. Material is covered without delay, and projects begin almost immediately. To say that the last few weeks have been easy would be a lie. This course really does challenge you. There is more theory involved than previous courses.
Assessment and analysis is where the process begins. One must think of how people are going about their daily work, how you can improve their skills, how you can save the company money in the long run, etc. There are just some of the questions that must be asked.
A through needs assessment is critical to the Multimedia Instructional Design Process. One must analyze what is currently available, what is wanted out of the project and any possible issues. With a front end analysis, one is figuring out how to tie everything together, how to gain answers to the questions above that will give a company "result-driven solutions".
Using a course design specification document, one can complete the design phase of the process.
When it comes to the development stage, the ability to use SCORM (Searchable Content Objects Reference Model) can generally enhance an e-learning environment. Even with the variety of objectivity and constructivist theories, there generally will be some median that everyone can agree upon.
Implementation of the above activities, even after testing, will provide everyone with the information and details as to the training's worthiness and effectiveness. Properly planned programs will follow agreements made between the parties.
Finally, a proper evaluation period will follow on the heels of the implementation, with plenty of review of the strategic and tactical aspects. Using the proper tools and terminology, one can demonstrate the effectiveness (hopefully) of one's program.

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